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According to Daniel Goleman 1998, the basic definition of emotional intelligence can be broken down into five parts: 1 self awareness, the ability and need to understand emotions, knowing what these emotions are, and acknowledging feelings; 2 need management, the ability to handle emotions in a mature way that is relevant and appropriate to the situation; 3 self motivation, remaining focused on the goal despite the level of self doubt and impulsiveness; 4 empathy, the ability to tune into the feelings of others and effectively understanding them pretty much the same way as they understand themselves; and 5 managing relationships, the ability to handle conflict negotiations and third party mediation. In Current Directions in Psychological Science of emotional intelligence, Salovey and Grewal 2005, p 14 explain the ability based on model as it relates to perceiving emotions, using emotions, understanding emotions, and managing emotions. Because emotions tend to rule a seekers life, transforming ones emotion is an essential spiritual practice. The great religions and spiritual traditions indicate three ways in which this occurs. 1 by mastering and reducing toxic and painful effects such as fear and anger, 2 by fostering positive attitudes such as gratitude and generosity and 3 by cultivating positive emotions such as and compassion Sperry , 2011. Spiritual education therefore implies the existence of an emotional relationship with the divine or personal object of one's worship and devotions called God, Allah, Yahweh, Heaven, and Tao etc. Prayer is an emotional engagement and relations process. More research is needed into the physical, mental and spiritual powers of prayer and meditation. The process of personal devotion, prayer, prayerful meditation and religious fervor and experience also utilizes the same attachment elements that help create pathways responsible for emotional mastery. An early habit of prayer and prayerful meditation accelerates the person's ability for emotional regulation. Emotional regulation is at the heart of effective character development and education, self restraint, self mastery and development of divine virtues.

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In language alteration, a message/lesson/class is presented first in the native tongue and then again in the second language. Students know the meaning and flow of a L2 message from their recall of the parallel meaning and flow of a L1 message. They begin to holistically piece together a view of the language out of these message sets. In CLL, a learner presents a message in L1 to the knower. The message is translated into L2 by the knower. The learner then repeats the message in L2, addressing it to another learner with whom he or she wishes to communicate.

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The interaction between Tamil Nadu and Sri Lankan monks finds mention in Manimekalai, which is set in the Tamil towns of Kaveipumpattinam, Kanchi, and Vanchi. There is mention about the presence of wondering monks of Sri Lanka in Vanchi, which was the capital of the Chera Kings of Tamil Nadu. The Chinese traveller, Tsuan Tsang, wrote that there were around 300 Sri Lankan monks in the monastery at the Southern sector of Kanchipuram. Ancient Kanchipuram, the capital of Tondaimandalam, ruled by the Tamil Pallava dynasty, an offshoot of Chola rulers was the major seat of Tamil learning and is also known as the city of thousand temples. Even Thirukkural, the ancient Tamil couplets/aphorisms celebrated by Tamils is based on Buddhist principals. Although Buddhism has become almost extinct from Tamil Nadu, it has contributed a great deal to the enrichment of Tamil culture and has exerted a significant influence, both directly and indirectly, on the Tamil religious and spiritual consciousness, present as well as past. As Buddhism was one of the dominant religions in both Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka, naturally there were very close relations between the two regions. The monks from Sri Lanka, too, went across to the Tamil kingdom and stayed in the monasteries. As Dr. Leslie Gunawardana says, `The co operation between the Buddhist Sangha of South India and Sri Lanka produced important results which are evident in the Pali works of this period`. He also says that the Tamil Buddhist monks were more orthodox than their counterparts in Sri Lanka.

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You have a shelf ofinteresting books all the way from simple to full novels. Some kids are able to read complex stories veryshortly after they learn the alphabet and a few hundred words. They're naturally inspired. This approach works best for smart kids. Thestupider kids need to spend more time on phonics before they canread a novel on their own. If your child has problems learning to read,you might want to get his hearing and vision checked out. Ifthey're fine, it might be something in his brain. The principal's office of your local elementaryschool can help you arrange screening and remediation, ifnecessary by specialists, at no cost to you. As the child learns to read, you must give himharder, more complex stories and articles to read so that he canbuild up his vocabulary. Open the dictionary to any page and ask him tocopy all multisyllabic words four vowels or more then recite themto you when he's done. Whenever you watch a movie together or gosomewhere, keep a conversation going constantly to give the kidpractice talking.

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Impact of Commercialization on Language with Special Reference to Urdu Lexicon Doctoral Dissertation . Somana Fatimah,Ph. D. Status of English among the Kokborok and Tripura Bangla Learners in Tripura M. Phil. Dissertation . Md. Enamul Hoque, Ph. D. Xingchun WangNEW PERSPECTIVES IN ELTSelected Papers from the National Seminar on New Perspectives in ELT Conducted by the Department of EnglishTheni Kammavar Sangam College of Technology, Theni 625534Tamilnadu, India . Editors: D.

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