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4 modem during a high traffic period of the day. I think you'll find it worth the wait. Dr. August Accetta, founder of the Shroud Center of Southern California, will appear in a televised interview with Jay Johnson of Trinity Broadcast Network on Tuesday, March 25 and Thursday, March 27, 1997. The program airs at 5:00 AM, Pacific time and 8:00 AM Eastern time. The channel will vary depending on which cable network one subscribes to, so check your local listings to be sure. The interview begins with a basic overview of the Shroud and proceeds into the latest Shroud discoveries and explanations. Over the last few months I have had a number of requests for an image that could be used by webmasters to link their websites to this one. I am including the below image for those of you who wish to use it that way. You just need to download the file facelink. gif below.

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The issue of pathogen reduction in slaughterhouses, which is much stricter in the EU than in the US. 4. The old issue of GMOs, promoted by US and Canada, not liked in Europe. 5. The thorny question of Geographical Indicators, which restrict labelling of approved foods to region of origin, eg Parma Ham, Parmeggiano Cheese, Scotch Whisky, etc. US does not like these. The agreement will mean trade offs on some or all of these issues, and an obvious one will be Geographical Indicators vs GMOs. T TIP is preceded by and EU Canada FTA about to be signed, almost without discussion in the press, the EU US Wine Agreement 2006, and the EU US Organs agreement 2012 where the EU apparently agreed to the US practice of using lactic acid as part of hygiene measures in slaughterhouses not so in the EU. One might note that Norway and the other ETA countries will have to accept de facto changes to EU food regulations in food without being involved in the decision making process or a voice/ vote. So here we have the richest and most powerful countries in the world trying to put themselves in a position to set the rules of Trade once again, having partly lost the initiative when GATT became WTO. The BRICs are not involved, and so far as can be seen, no African country is involved either.

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