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3c above, the Employer shall make a reasonable effort to provide each CUASA employee with access to software and printing resources appropriate for teaching, service and administrative responsibilities. Upon hiring, each CUASA employee shall be provided $1500 for the purchase of either a laptop or desktop computer of their choice. Once every four years, each CUASA employee shall be reimbursed up to $1500 for the cost of acquiring either a new laptop or desktop computer, subject to the Letter of Understanding Article 6. 3 e. 6. 4 No disciplinary measures shall be imposed on an employee except for just and proper cause; such disciplinary action shall be reasonable and shall be demonstrably proportionate to the seriousness of the specific violation. 7. 1 The Association acknowledges the management responsibilities and functions of the Employer and agrees that such shall be continued, subject to the express provisions of this Collective Agreement. 8. 1 To ensure that any future proposals to amend the Carleton University Act reflect the shared aspirations of the University community, the parties agree that any proposal by the Employer to amend the Act requires consultation with the Senate and also consultation with the Association. To ensure that posts at Carleton University are filled by the most highly qualified candidates and to ensure accessibility to Canadians, all faculty, Instructor and professional librarian openings must be advertised prior to the consideration of candidates.

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1985: LICS Language for Implementation of Control Systems. Technical Report ISRN LUTFD2/TFRT 3179 SE; Department of Automatic Control; Lund University; Sweden; December 1985. Pantelides C. 1988: The Consistent Initialization of Differential Algebraic Systems; SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Ch. The District Court, feeling bound by this Court's opinion in Wood v. Broom, 287 U. S. 1, 53 S.

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This variation depends on the type of services your elderly parent needs and your physical location in the city or state. Adult day care centers are generally paid for by you or your elder, but you may be able to find some assistance from Medicaid or Veteran's Administration etc. Since our elderly parent had a bit of dementia and tended to wander around the home, our solution was to get a wind chime and put it on the door, so when the door opens the chime ring. This is an inexpensive way to have an audible signal that someone is leaving or arriving. There are many other ways of monitoring your elder's whereabouts, but an alarm system is very expensive. A wind chime is just a few bucks. The wind chime also acted as a door alarm when Dad was bedridden and our staff would be back in the bedroom with him and one of us would come in, they would know that there was someone there and not be surprised. Remember, in Asia, windchimes are considered good luck and a part of Feng Shui!When your elderly parents get to the point where you feel that they are unable to live alone, but they still want to be independent, Assisted Living may be a good option for them. An assisted living facility is for those people who need help with activities of daily living. An assisted living facility reminds me of a college dorm. The elderly couple or person has their own apartment some have separate kitchens and bedrooms, but mostly eat in the dining room.

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Special treatments are making it one of the top advanced aesthetic clinics in London. With advancing age, there will be loss of colour in the teeth. Of course, right from teenage, teeth start changing colour. Genetics play a part in that. As for whitening methods, professional bleaching is the most common. In at home teeth whitening the patient takes bleaching materials home and performs own treatments. As for the target group, which requires whitening, there are for people who suffer from teeth staining from by food, drinks like red wine, coffee, tea and tobacco. They can do whitening without harming the teeth. Many clinics offer cosmetic dentistry and other composite services such as advanced skin care using clinical methods to give a youthful appearance. The appointments for such consultation can be made by visiting their website. In treatments, the aspirants have a wider choice.

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Users can browse other pinboards, 're pin' images for their collections or give them 'I'. Pinterest's mission is to "connect everyone in the world through things they find interesting. " Founded by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra and Evan Sharp, the site is managed by Cold Brew Labs and funded by a small group of entrepreneurs and investors. XING was created in 2003 through November 17, 2006 OpenBC called is a social network of professional field. Also it called online networking platform, since its main use is to manage contacts and establish new connections between professionals in any sector. This system belongs to what is called social software. One of the main functions it is the option to display the contact network; for example, a user can see through many connected to other intermediaries. It is based on the principle of six degrees of separation or phenomenon of "small world". Offers numerous options for contact, search for people by name, city, sector, company, areas of interest, etc. , and includes thematic groups and forums to raise questions and exchange information or opinions on specific issues. It also has job offers, business pages and a section to view and post events.

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