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Besides Hebrew and German, Yiddish also borrows words from both Russian and Polish. Yiddish is written in Hebrew letters. The English language has absorbed dozens of Hebrew and Yiddish words into the English language. For example, shlep carry something burdensome, shalom peace/hello, and shnook a dolt. Es iz a shandeh far di kinder!Onegeblozzen means conceited, but ongepatshket means cluttered or muddled. Neal Walters offers Yiddish and Hebrew products.

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Its a perspective that serves me well. In 2010, when he joined the Stanford faculty, he established his lab, which now has 23 people and grants totaling $4. 25 million. While his job is technically 100 percent research, he sees patients every Tuesday afternoon. The son and grandson of scientists, he is also married to a psychiatrist. On a wall in their house they have his and her fMRI scans of their brains.

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If you want your home to have a more sophisticated flooring style and you have the budget for it, you may as well go for ceramic tiles. If you havent tried laying tiles before, dont panic. You still dont have to hire home builders for this. You may try doing it in a small room first, like your dirty kitchen for instance. Once you get used to it, you will find it really easy and fun to lay your own tiles. 4. Breaking News: The District approved funding for dialysis machines for our sister club in Marinduque, Philippines. They are intended for the Provincial Hospital. This project is a combined effort by sister clubs and other US based rotary clubs. 5. The December 17 noon meeting will be used to celebrate the coming holidays.

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This video is part of a series called 5 Keys to Rigorous Project Based Learning. To watch the whole 5 part series, click here. Student EngagementFor as long as school has been around, students have asked, When am I ever going to use this stuff in real life? And they have a point: Because our default setting is to teach our material out of context, students rarely see its relevance. Even if we are able to design a project that has them apply their knowledge in real world ways, the project is often hypotheticalstudents know its still a school assignment, so they arent as engaged as they would be if it were real. Project based learning doesnt just add a dose of relevance to the standard model; it builds the learning within a relevant context from the very start, so students are naturally more engaged. 21st Century SkillsNow that technology has made it easy to find any fact in a matter of seconds, the ability to regurgitate information is no longer valued the way it once was. It is becoming abundantly clear to educators and employers that students need to be able to do more than spit out facts. In a 2015 survey conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, employers listed the skills they valued the most in new hires. In the top 10 were qualities like the ability to work on a team, problem solving skills, written and verbal communication skills, and initiative. All of these are developed beautifully in project based learning. Improved Academic PerformanceThe research on project based learning tells us that it closes the achievement gap for underserved populations, improves understanding and retention of content, and increases motivation for all students.

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The boom that the generate charms souk has experienced over the onwards the being certainly shows that the trend is in great inquire. In lieu of paying a bomb for a precious boulder studded in gold or platinum, why not buy a partially precious marble in lieu. Researching and shopping for vintage or antique jewelry has other rewards besides the acquisition of a vintage diamond ring or antique wedding band or antique earrings. Of course, there is the thrill of the hunt: who wouldn't want to brag about the captured prey?In addition, just learning to make distinctions between antique and vintage can be a rewarding experience. In addition to having a remarkable and appealing experience while searching for an antique diamond engagement ring or vintage wedding band, there is the added prestige of participating in the new and vital area called passion investing, regarding antique or vintage jewelry. What guarantees that this is different from all other types of investments are three aspects: scarcity, history and legacy. Ultimately, by seeking out and buying an antique or vintage diamond engagement ring, a couple expresses optimism and hopefulness that their future will be as long lived as the antique or vintage diamond jewelry they have chosen!As John Keats wrote in 1818, "A thing of beauty is a joy forever. " How true that is, when applied to the antique, vintage or estate jewelry we choose to celebrate our most meaningful moments. Finally, there is the issue of legacy. What will this antique diamond engagement ring mean for future generations?Will this antique wedding band or sapphire ring or antique pair of earrings remain in the family, passed down from mother to daughter or son?Besides the emotionality connected with becoming engaged, will there be the beginning of a tradition for the new family being created?As with the paintings of artists from the past, antique jewelry may be unique. There may be similar antique rings which share general characteristics, such as milgrain or engraved shanks or have exceptionable workmanship.

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