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It is worth quoting here. Fate, what the Greeks called Moira, is perhaps best understood in this context as a cosmic principle of binding apportionment, at work both in the heavens and on Earth. It does not make a man a man, or a planet a planet, or in any way constitute the essences of things; thus, it is not a metaphysical principle in the sense that it concerns being as being. Instead, it takes as its province what is generally regarded as contingent or accidental matters that were excluded from serious philosophical consideration by the Athenian philosophers themselves as being ultimately unintelligible. It is Moira that makes a man such and such: dark haired rather than light haired, wealthy rather than poor, healthy rather than ill, and so on. Moira is a principle of apportionment in that it counts out, divides, or distributes.

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Whitcombe and Tombs, Melbourne, , 32p. 2nd print. 'The Rendezvous', Bibby's Annual, 1921. Text 'The Fairy World' by Dorothy M. Codd. Illustration by Ida Rentoul Outhwaite.

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We need good partnerships, which grow out of multi disciplinary thinking. That sounds like an academic egghead thing to say. But you go to a typical cityAtlanta is a good exampleand your mortgage lenders aren't talking with your public health people, who aren't talking with the developers, who aren't talking with the landscape architects, who aren't talking with the planners. We need collaborative processes where entire communities come together and envision how we want the communities to look, and go ahead and move in that direction. That's a big picture issue. Then we need infrastructure changes. By infrastructure I don't just mean bricks and mortar, but mortgage practices, tax policy, transportation policy, housing policy, and so on. All of those are ingredients of good community design. Just take one example: transportation policy. We pass an enormous transportation bill every six or seven years. If some of the many billions of dollars that flow from the federal government into transportation were diverted from the predominant use into sidewalks and bicycle trails in urban areas we would achieve a better balance.

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