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If the boat had been leaning against the bowl, it means that the owner will stay at home and do not go out. Christmas in Slovakia and Ukraine like to throw a spoonful of food which is called "Loksa" made of bread, water and poppy seeds to the ceiling. If there are more Sticky food debris in the ceiling, it indicates the coming year will be more comfortable. Over the past 40 years, the Swedish town of Gavle will burn a giant straw goat on the Christmas Day. Since 1966, only 10 goat escaped the fate of being burned. As the deepest and the largest freshwater lake in the world Baikal Lake, people live there will carry out an strange and dangerous sport scuba diving.

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Limes cure scurvey, and tangerines contain salvestrols. Maybe one day we will realise the truth of this and then cancer can be eliminated if the dietary deficiency is addressed. Evidence for this dietary deficiency comes from case studies of people who have cured themselves of cancer using salvestrol therapy. Here is an example of a lady who cured herself from cancer using this approach:A 36 year old woman was diagnosed with aggressive stage 3 cancer, following biopsies and blood tests. A 3 5 cm tumour was found under the right and a larger tumour was found in an underarm lymph node. The tumour looked the size of a golf ball on the image. She was told that her situation was really serious. After her first round of chemotherapy she learned about Salvestrols, and began taking one 2,000 point Salvestrol Platinum capsule per day. Feeling rock bottom at the time she skeptically wondered how on earth these capsules were going to help. Consequently she was very surprised to find that the pain associated with the tumours soon disappeared and the tumours began to shrink quickly. She began to feel that she was going to be OK.

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Au niveau le plus fondamental, ces langues sont aujourd'hui divises en deux groupes : les langues de Tawan, et les langues malayo polynsiennes. Ces dernires vont des Philippines Madagascar, de la Malaisie l'le de Pques, et regroupent la quasi totalit des langues austronsiennes recenses. Au sein du groupe malayo polynsien, les langues de l'Insulinde Indonsie, Malaisie et Philippines sont les plus nombreuses. Les langues de Madagascar sont d'ailleurs rattaches au sous groupe des langues Barito du Kalimantan Indonsie, donnant ainsi une bonne indication sur leur origine. Les langues ocaniennes sont quant elles un sous groupe des langues malayo polynsiennes comptant 500 langues, parfois avec un trs faible nombre de locuteurs. Elles sont rpandues en Mlansie, en Micronsie et en Polynsie, ainsi que sur les ctes nord et mlansiennes de la Nouvelle Guine, o certaines populations ctires parlent des langues austronsiennes. Leurs plus proches parentes sont les langues du Malayo Polynsien central, parles dans une partie de l'Indonsie, sur certaines ctes de la Nouvelle Guine et au Timor, parent permettant raisonnablement de dfinir l'origine des locuteurs de l'ocanien dans cette rgion du sud de l'Insulinde. Ces rpartitions montrent que les regroupements linguistiques sont loin de correspondre aux subdivisions traditionnelles de l'Ocanie austronsienne : Micronsie, Mlansie et Polynsie. Non seulement ces langues dbordent sur les ctes de Nouvelle Guine, mais elles traversent ces ensembles, certaines langues de Mlansie les exclaves polynsiennes appartenant au groupe des langues polynsiennes. Cette subdivision, propose par Dumont d'Urville en 1931, est d'ailleurs dpasse scientifiquement. La Mlansie semble nanmoins assez clairement la matrice des langues ocaniennes.

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Shobha Ramaswamy, M. A. , B. Ed. , DCE, M. Phil. , M. Ed. , M. A. , Ph.

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