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The main burden lay on the editorial board of The Latest News: essential information, government decrees were translated into the Azerbaijani language and transmitted to the listeners within 30 minutes. Favorite programme of the difficult war period was Azerbaijan for the Front. This broadcast had sounded on the air regularly until the day of victory. Among the broadcasts that radio journalists prepared for the listeners were not only news and dramatic programmes, but also broadcasts of a comforting nature and strengthening listeners morally. On air there patriotic plays and thematic recordings were broadcast for the listeners. It is no coincidence that, taking into account a big role of radio in socio political, cultural life and in the struggle against fascism, May 7 was declared Radio Day by the special decree of the leadership of the USSR.

Weatherford College Course Catalog

This arises when a group of NGOs come together as lobbyists at an international diplomatic event, such as a UN agenda setting conference or a UN forum for negotiating on the formulation or implementation of a treaty. The caucus will be highly focused on achieving specific outcomes from the diplomatic process. The impression is given that such a caucus is an ad hoc grouping that only exists during the two or three weeks of the relevant diplomatic meetings. It may be accurate that the particular combination of NGOs having the particular political purpose will never meet again. However, a successful caucus will be well prepared and will carry forward procedural expertise, substantive knowledge, political status and diplomatic contacts gained in one forum through to the next forum, handling similar questions. Key organizations and key individuals provide continuity. Women's organizations and environmentalists are among the most successful operating in this way. When we consider something as loose and transient as a caucus, it is perhaps inappropriate to call it an organization. Nevertheless, structured umbrella coalitions, networks and caucuses are all handled in the same way by governments. In the UN system, all transnational actors have to accept the label "NGO", in order to participate. They may be present under the label of the coalition or of its constituents or through both routes.

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In 2010, Griller was chairman of Scottsdales Judicial Appointments Advisory Board, a commit tee specifically created by the city to take politics out of the appointment and retention of judges. During his tenure, the city council opted not to reappoint one associate city judge, who had been criticized by a close political ally of Mayor Jim Lane. The council also initially chose not to retain the presiding city judge, citing budget concerns they did not explain, but later backed off and reappointed that judge to one final two year term. Concerns about political interference and financial pressures exposed in Ferguson also were present in Scottsdale, said Griller, who left the city advisory board a few months after the controversy involving the judges. Even many of the reforms that were recommended in Ferguson, such as independent judicial advisory boards, proved an ineffective foil to political influences in Scottsdale, he said. Beyond revenue issues, city judges also might face pressure to allow questionable practices implemented by the police department or policy priorities of the city council.

Virtual College Course List

Both look similar in looks but are in fact different animals. The difference can be seen in their teeth. The porpoise have teeth shaped like spades for digging rocks, whereas the dolphins have teeth shaped like cones. One more main difference is that porpoises live in very cold water which cannot be tolerated by the dolphins. Orcas are the most easily identified and best known dolphin. They are more commonly known as killer whales. People tend to think of the Orca as among the most violent and frightening sea animals. This is probably due to the fact that they are large and seem fearless in the water. Dolphins have a long gestation period when it comes to the birth cycle of their young. The female dolphin will be pregnant for twelve months after which time she will give birth to one baby dolphin, called a "calf". Most baby calves will weight about 30 to 40 pounds and will be approximately 30 inches long.

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