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A factorial is notated using a "!" after the number. It usually is located on your scientific calculator as "n!". 3!is a factorial of 3 which simply means 3 2 1 which is 6. That one is easy to do in your head, but what is 50!without using a calculator?Now don't go get all bent out of shape, it is a long process with lots of numbers, but it isn't as difficult as it sounds. You can calculate the probability of each individual pick and then multiply them all together to get the final probability. Note that the order of the numbers is unimportant.

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This, naturally and often, gets translated to students finding motivation for embracing the classes, even if that inflates their overall scores by a few numbers. Counting upon tuitions for scoring higher grades equates to signaling for high intellect, these days. Its a matter of pride for both students and their parents. But, how is this ever going to be justified, is another matter?Probably, the reason cited above, or even the brighter students vying for more scores to promisingly secure their seats for either their next class, college or study program, seems to answer the question. It is no more a surprising fact that private tuitions are spreading at a fearful rate even in the cities undergoing lesser development. This is because increasingly more numbers of parents spend overwhelmingly big portions of their earnings on it.

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The next night, there were a few more, and on Monday morning, they were still there. There was a police raid on Tuesday, and the little press the occupation got was mocking: The New York Times sent an entertainment reporter, who made fun of the protesters. In the days that followed, the few grew in numbers, a demographic that didnt conform to media clichs: a gritty spiral jetty of anarchist punks and out of work construction workers and teachers who sleep in the park and rise early to get to school. Cooks and nannies and librarians, lots of librarians, and Teamsters and priests and immigrants, legal and otherwise, and culture jammers, eco warriors, hackers, and men and women in Guy Fawkes masks, an army of stunt doubles from V for Vendetta, all joined by young veterans of the Arab Spring and the revolts in Greece and Spain actual revolutionaries who had overthrown dictators and made Western nations shake. Now there are more than 1,600 occupations around the country and the world, some big, most small, some no more than one angry soul on the side of the road with a sign that says We are the 99 percent. They are in Boston, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Chicago, Oakland, Seattle and Nashville; in London, in Sydney, in Cape Town, Tokyo and Sao Paulo.

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We also talk about how much of each ingredient we need to double the recipe or to half it. Of course, the best part is always eating the fruits of our labor. To offer students practice with multiplication, I have my students play a three person card game named Salute. To begin, the dealer deals each partner one card face down. The remaining two players place their cards against their forehead so that the dealer can identify the number on the cards. The dealer then mentally multiplies the two numbers and declares the product aloud. Each player must then figure out the factor printed on his or her card. Whichever player says the missing factor first, wins both cards for that round. Game continues until one player accumulates 10 cards or until time is up. At games end, the player who has collected the most cards is the winner. I have a unique way of teaching my students long division.

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