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Fertilize the green, typically twice in the early summer, and twice in the fall. Specific dates for fertilization will vary from region to region. Using a spreader for even application, apply a nitrogen based fertilizer suitable for lawns at a rate of one half pound per 1000 square feet. Top dress your putting green with topsoil in early summer and early fall. Apply a 1/8 inch layer of topsoil to the green and use a push broom to spread it evenly over the green and work the soil down into the grass surface. Find a lawn care expert to consult for localized advice. This could be a nursery person, a lawn care professional, or a greens keeper at your local golf course. Creeping bentgrass is susceptible to a variety of ailments. If your grass green starts to show signs of disease, consult your expert for help with diagnosis and treatment. MOBI's content and curriculum are free, for everyone, forever, thanks to the generosity of our founders Phil and Peggy Holland. The mission at the My Own Business Institute MOBI is to start businesses that create jobs and build communities by providing education to aspiring entrepreneurs around the world.

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Curriculum:Planning curriculum starts with the individual needs of a student rather than a disability label or the availability of a separate program that typically serves a particular type of student. After a student has been identified as having a disability, it is then possible to link student specific goals and outcomes to general education curriculum standards. Planning should focus on an individuals capacities and assets. Family members and friends should be involved in planning. A collaborative team should analyze the general education curriculum and routines to identify when and how the learning needs of a student, expressed in terms of foundational skills, can be addressed within the context of the general education classroom. The following assumptions, based on Choosing Options and Accommodations for Children COACH Giangreco, et al. , 1998, are inspiring in developing curriculum for students who are developmentally disabled: Design of curriculum should be related to life outcomes that are valued Families should be considered consumers and partners in the design of curriculum Collaboration is essential in the design and delivery of quality education Curriculum objectives should be developed based on priorities and outcomes valued by a student and his or her family rather than professionals representing different disciplines Problem solving strategies are instrumental in the design of effective curriculum and should be appropriately includedAt each grade level, all students are expected to demonstrate proficiency in core curriculum areas as measured by assessment system. It may be appropriate and feasible for a student with developmental disabilities to demonstrate competence on all, part, or none of the core curriculum content for a given grade level or unit addressed for a given grade level. When the needs of students are expressed in terms of critical or foundational skills, well established strategies are available to identify opportunities for these skills to be addressed within the context of the general education curriculum. The five areas described below represent domains of a functional curriculum from which instructional targets can be selected and blended with the general curriculum. Browder 2001 and Ryndak and Alper 2003 provide extensive treatments of these curriculum areas.

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Start noticing how often you're feeding yourself negative energy. Then, apply the STOP technique as soon as you realize you are doing it, you yell to yourself STOP, and immediately replace what you were saying with something else. Here's what I mean:Yes, it's stiff and forced, at first. Anytime you attempt to change a behavior it will feel forced. Just allow yourself to learn to change your self talk, and that early discomfort with the process will pass. It will start to be fun to "catch" yourself. As soon as you start doing it, you'll realize how often you're been feeding yourself negativity, and you'll also see how easily you can change that habit. Positive people tend to be happier people. I'm not suggesting you get a personality change, but I am suggesting, if you ultimately want to drop some weight and never see it again that you change your thinking from how much you'll have to struggle to how much better you're going to feel. Kathryn Martyn, Master NLP Practitioner, EFT counselor, author of Changing Beliefs, Your First Step to Permanent Weight Loss, and owner of OneMoreBite Weightloss. com Get the Daily Bites: The EFT Coach The first book on using EFT as a coaching tool.

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