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Q5. Using a supply demand diagram, demonstrate how a positive consumption externality, vaccination, leads to market inefficiency. Using a supply demand diagram, demonstrate how a negative supply consumption externality, pollution, leads to market inefficiency. Make sure you describe the diagram in words as well. Q6. Read the following excerpt and answer the following questionsTRAFFIC on Sydney's clogged roads and motor ways is now so congested it is costing the majority of businesses in Western Sydney up to $5000 a year. The startling figures were revealed as part of the NRMA Motoring and Services Business Wise survey of almost 730 businesses that run vehicle fleets. Frustrated local businesses who took part in the survey said travel times for each of their work vehicles had jumped, on average, by 59 minutes every day due to roads clogged by commuters forced into their cars because of poor public transport options. In the past year about six out of 10 Western Sydney firms said their fuel bills had risen as a result of congestion . Author Jim O'RourkeSource: The Australian web site April 08, 2014 12:00AM a bottleneck on our congested roads/story e6frg6n6 1226877298328 accessed 8th April 2014a. Identify the negative externality discussed in the article?b.

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The interviews attend to the subtle differences between individuals in the way they make important decisions. They rest on Adrian's patient attention to detail and his habit of weighing things carefully before judging. These qualities enabled him to make thought provoking contributions to the new magazine. But the role of editing a new, lively monthly magazine proved to demand other qualities. Processes needed to be established, decisions made which would form precedents, criteria for judging contributions established, all with little time for reflection. All this required intuitive gifts and a quick decisiveness that Adrian did not have.

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When it comes to working out, and youre on that last set the set that epitomizes your intensity, respect, and inner strength for this sport where does an individual draw that power from?I, listened in carefully to a man with over 30 years training experience, who shared that his toughest sets the ones when others in the gym stop and watch him are only capable because of LOVE. He shared how, one night prior to this convo, he had to channel in his source, while working out with a group of guys. Big G, as we call him, told us as he and the others finished up their barbell incline bench routine with 405 lbs, the majority of guys repped it out for a mere 3 times. Big G, on the other hand, gets under the bar, after a quick meditation break, and reps out a clean 10. However, Big G tickled me, as he sat back on the bar stool, eyelids getting heavy, wearing a weary grin, and uttered, Not bad for an old guy. Tags: barbell, fitness, goals, inner strength, Love, motivation, power, Rage, reliv, training, weights, working outsA good buddy of mine, Butch Nieves, laid out the four factors why most people fail at their new year weight loss resolution. No, Im not a dietian nor a nutritionists, however, experts all agree the secret you need to know in order to successfully lose weight and keep it off is wholesome, natural foodand thats it!You may be disappointed to read it takes only changing your diet of adding fruits and vegetables, but, thats the bottom line to creating a fat burning facility. Its not a farfetched idea, since I already proved it to myself. So, Im a believer and you must believe you can too. Ill tell you what I did. Purpose: because the nutrition has been depleted from these so by cutting them out and adding other great options youll body will rev its engine.

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During this pandemic, they really dug deep and created something out of nothing. "You asked. We listened. Your daily crossword, Sudoku and dozens of other puzzles are now available online. Play them or print them here. When we asked for stories from cancer survivors and others, the calls started coming and did not stop. We found instances of courage, hope, determination, fear, survival, even loss. Read them in this special section. Boston, Mass. David R. Farmer passed away unexpectedly last week at his home in Boston.

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Here began the rudiments of drill. Stand at Ease,Attention, Stand at Ease, Attention, Stand Still,Right Turn, Left Turn, About Turn and Stand at Ease. After this chaos, the Instructor P. O. began todemonstrate these movements and we followed. Havingbroken the back of these movements we then learned tostep off, left foot first on the order "QuickMarch". Sounds easy, doesnt it?But weeach had a different length of pace, so this had tobe coordinated; apparently the marching pace in theRoyal Navy is the longest of the three services. TheP. O. had to brainwash us with a monotonous"Left, left" as we marched. He stood toattention and barked his orders.

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